India young professionals scheme ballot for July 2024 announced

Home Office has announced dates for the India Young Professionals Scheme July ballot. The next ballot will open at 1:30pm India Standard Time on 16 July, and close at 1:30pm India Standard Time on 18 July 2024. To take part in the ballot you have to meet the requirements, which we list below, and to go to the dedicated Home Office page on the specified time. We always advise applicants…

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New definition of Partner for family visas in the UK immigration rules – durable relationship

Relationship similar to marriage or civil partnership includes durable partnership Durable partnership for family visas – recent changes to the UK immigration rules. Family visas for the UK have various complexities and applicants face numerous hurdles to bring their families to the UK from overseas. This includes high financial requirement and high visa costs. The recently increased financial requirement that is now £29,000 and is due to be £38,700 by…

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Minimum income requirement family visas – legal challenge Judicial Review- spouse partner and other family visas

Reunite Families UK (RFUK) is a not for profit organisation supporting families who are affected by the UK spouse visa rules. Reunite Families UK (RFUK) has recently issued (June 2024) a formal legal challenge in the High Court to the government’s decision to raise the minimum income requirement (MIR) for family visas to £29,000 in April 2024 and going up to £38,700 by 2025. The legal challenge will take sometime…

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What next for UK Health & Care sector visa sponsors – further restrictions on care sector sponsorship possible

Health & Care sponsors what to expect – Campaigners are calling for improved minimum standards for Care Sector visa sponsors According to the recently published article in the Guardian dated 3rd March 2024 ‘Campaigners are calling for improved minimum standards for visa sponsors, including a requirement for providers to be operating for at least two years before being allowed licences, and a requirement for them to have been inspected recently…

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Important UK immigration update – MAC published its Rapid Review of Shortage Occupation List

UK immigration update – MAC published its Rapid Review of Shortage Occupation List UK immigration update 23rd February 2024 Migration Advisory Committee’s SOL rapid review. Shortage Occupation List is due to be transformed into Immigration Salary List (ISL). On 4 December 2023, the Home Secretary announced several changes to the immigration system related to the Skilled Worker (SW) route. Subsequently on 17 January 2024 the government commissioned the Migration Advisory…

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Important changes to Skilled Worker visa in March 2024 and April 2024

Important changes to Skilled Worker visa in March 2024 and April 2024 Skilled Worker and Health and Care visa upcoming changes March 2024 and April 2024. Today, 19th February 2024 the Statement of Changes to Immigration Rules was published which introduces changes to Skilled Worker visa and Health and Care visa. These changes are implementing the measures to curb net migration that were already announced on 4 December 2023 in…

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India Young Professionals Youth Mobility Scheme ballot for 2024 announced

India Young Professionals ballot opens on 20th February 2024 Home Office has announced start of its 2024 ballot for India Young Professionals Scheme visa. The next ballot will open at 2:30pm India Standard Time on 20 February 2024. It will close at 2:30pm India Standard Time on 22 February 2024. To take part go to Home Office webpage. For more information about the scheme and how to prepare visit our…

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Important for EUSS late applicants – good news for EEA permanent residence holders

EUSS late applications by EEA permanent residence holders EUSS Home Office guidance got updated on 16th January 2024. In their newly published EUSS Caseworker Guidance, Home Office announced some positive change for those late EUSS applicants who hold relevant documents issued under the EEA Regulations. The Home Office changes to the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) announced by Home Office on 17/07/2023 in their Statement of Changes to Immigration Rules 17th July 2023…

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Important UK IMMIGRATION update – timeline dates confirmed FOR new minimum salary spouse & skilled workers and health and care dependants restriction

Dates confirmed FOR new minimum salary spouse family & skilled workers and health and care dependants restriction Today, on 30th January 2024, the Home Secretary announced dates for the rollout of new transformative legal migration measures. The measures to curb net migration were already announced on 4 December 2023 in the plan to cut net migration, With the previously announced package to restrict student dependants, it is expected to reduce the…

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UK immigration update sponsor licence – from 6th April 2024 sponsor organisations no longer need to renew their sponsor licence

From 6th April 2024 sponsor organisations no longer need to renew their sponsor licence To employ migrant workers on work permits in the UK, employers must first obtain an authorisation from the Home Office called ‘Sponsor licence’ and be on the Home Office Register of Licensed Sponsors: Workers. To get the sponsor licence, organisations need to apply to the Home Office by completing an online application form and submitting the required specified information…

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