NHS Surcharge increased fee will apply from 6th February 2024

NHS Surcharge increase from 6th February 2024

On 4th October 2023 the new immigration fees started to apply. This increase did not include the NHS Surcharge fees but in mid September 2023 Home Office indicated that the NHS Surcharge fee increase will be announced later in autumn. In mid October 2023, there was an update that the new NHS Surcharge fees were to start applying from January 2024. The UK government recently published The Immigration (Health Charge) (Amendment) Order 2024. This Order confirms that the new NHS Surcharge fees will start to apply from 6th February 2024.

NHS Surcharge increase from 6th February 2024

The new NHS Surcharge fees from 6th February 2024

The new law introducing the NHS Surcharge increase will come into force on 6th February 2024. From that date the new NHS Surcharge fees will be as follows:

1,035 for each year of visa for adult applicants

£776 for each year of visa for applicants under 18, Youth Mobility visas and Student visas.

The UK government’s explanatory note to the The Immigration (Health Charge) (Amendment) Order 2024 states as follows: ‘In respect of applications by students, dependants of students, persons applying for leave to enter or remain under Appendix Youth Mobility Scheme and all other applications for entry clearance or leave to remain made in respect of persons aged under 18 years at the date of application, whether that person is the applicant or a dependant of the applicant, the annual amount is increased from £470 to £776. In respect of all other applications for entry clearance or leave to remain made in respect of persons aged 18 years or over at the date of application, the annual amount is increased from £624 to £1,035.’

Exemptions from NHS Surcharge fees

The situations in which applicants for entry clearance or leave to remain are exempt from paying the immigration health charge:

Applicant for leave to remain under Appendix Domestic Worker who is a Victim of Modern Slavery, Appendix Temporary Permission to Stay for Victims of Human Trafficking or Slavery or Appendix Statelessness is exempt from the charge.

Health and Care visa applicants and their dependants continue to be exempt from payment of the immigration health charge.

Applicant for leave to enter or leave to remain under Appendix Ukraine Scheme is exempt from the charge.


Those who meet all their visa requirements before 6th February 2024 should aim to submit the applications before that date to avoid the new higher NHS Surcharge fees. Applicants should carefully assess their applications to ensure that they do not prejudice their applications by submitting it earlier and ensure that all the required supporting evidence can be obtained in time.

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