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India Youth Mobility Visa scheme ballot

Home Office has officially announced the date for the ballot in the India Young Professionals Scheme.

July ballot for India Young Professionals Scheme visa has been announced. It has started now and will be running until 1:30pm India Standard Time on 27 July 2023. Go to Home Office webpage to enter.

The ballot will open at 2:30pm India Standard Time on 28 February 2023, and close at 2:30pm India Standard Time on 2 March.

India Young Professionals Scheme visa ballot finally there

Well over a year after announcing addition of India to the Young Professionals Visa Scheme Home Office has finally announced the date for the ballot. Anyone who is eligible for the scheme can enter the ballot on the set date and try obtaining the visa for the UK.

What is needed for the ballot?

To take part in the ballot you will need to go the the following Home Office webpage, where a link to the ballot will appear during the stated period of time: open at 2:30pm India Standard Time on 28 February 2023, and close at 2:30pm India Standard Time on 2 March..

First and foremost, you have to make sure you are eligible for the scheme. You must be a citizen of India and meet the other eligibility requirements listed here.

Data required when entering the ballot:

  • name
  • date of birth
  • passport details
  • a scan or photo of your passport
  • phone number
  • email address

The successful entries will be picked at random. You will be sent the results by email within 2 weeks of the ballot closing.

It’s free to enter the ballot. You should only enter if you plan to apply for the visa, which costs £259 for the application fee and additional £470 per year (2 x £470= £940) for the NHS Surcharge. You also must be able to meet the financial, educational and other requirements of the Youth Mobility visa.

There are 2,400 visas available in the February ballot.

If you’re successful in the ballot, you will be invited to apply for the Youth Mobility visa.

You will have 30 days from the date of the email to apply online, pay the visa application fee and immigration health surcharge.

If you’re successful in the ballot but choose not to apply for the visa, you do not need to notify Home Office.

5 Thoughts to “India Young Professionals Scheme visa ballot finally there”

  1. […] late February 2023 with a huge delay. We did write about the previous ballot in our other article here. Therefore, there is no certainty as to the date until it is announced by the Home […]

  2. when is the next ballot for India’s young professional scheme?

    1. KS

      Unfortunately we do not know in advance. When Home Office is ready to announce the next ballot they will do so. Anyone interested in the ballot has to follow the page of the ballot

  3. […] recommend reading our previous article published when the first India Young Professionals ballot was announced in February 2023. You […]

  4. […] recommend reading our previous article published when the first India Young Professionals ballot was announced in February 2023. You […]

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